The police re-interviewed several residents of Plaine

Information on the investigation into the disappearance of 15-year-old Lina in Bas-Rhin just two months ago is trickling in. While yesterday Wednesday, we learned according to information from Parisian that “checks” were carried out through a search of the home of a resident “in the area of ​​the disappearance” of the young girl, we learned this Thursday that several residents of the commune of Plaine, where the teenager, were re-heard last week, according to a source close to the investigation.

These residents were re-interviewed by investigators as part of a judicial investigation “against information from RTL.

“Long-term” investigations

A discreet investigation therefore, desired by the Strasbourg public prosecutor’s office which had, moreover, announced in October to expect “long-term” investigations into this disappearance.

As a reminder, Lina, a teenager attending CAP “personal assistance” in Bas-Rhin, has disappeared since September 23, late in the morning while she was walking to the Saint-Blaise-la-station. Roche, three kilometers from her home. A journey she used to make, to take the train and join her boyfriend, Tao, in Strasbourg. Witnesses claimed to have seen her walking along the departmental road around 11:15 a.m. A few minutes later, his cell phone stopped ringing.

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