The owner of the photo “NFT, the boring monkey”, bought for 4 ETH, reveals why he turned down the 39 million baht offer.

The person who bought the Bored Ape Yacht Club “NFT Monkey” picture for 4 ETH reveals why he turned down the 39 million baht ($1.2 million) offer.

Bored Ape Yacht Club is a collection of 10,000 NFT tokens depicting images of bored monkeys. that each will have different characteristics And each trait has its limitations. For example, some monkeys have hats. Some have sunglasses, etc.

The rarity of each NFT is listed with the rarity of each trait. So the more rare traits The more monkeys, the more rare.

On February 2, 2022, a Twitter user named @ElectionDayMad1 Revealed that he turned down the offer of 420 ETH for the image of Ape #1726 at the time of writing this article. It’s a huge $1.2 million, and even more impressive is that. The owner paid only 4 ETH for it on May 1st, the first day after the collection sold out. Back then, 4 ETH cost about $12,000.

As we mentioned above, Bored Apes are made up of different traits and each one is extremely rare, with the host of Bored Ape #1726 being quite rare. by its owner said “We declined the offer. Because the golden fur monkey is the rarest fur of BAYC, it is also our personal brand. And we think that with this brand and owning this monkey will be able to continue generating income.”

“Only 1 in 46 Golden Fur Monkeys are sold under 1000 ETH and we would like to remain part of that group.

In fact, at the time of writing this article The only golden fur monkey is selling below 1K ETH is ape #1837.

The team behind BAYC is doing everything they can. to expand the benefits that come with being a member of the growing community

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