Constipation: causes and treatment

These risks are looming

Even if short-term constipation is not a cause for concern in most cases, persistent symptoms should always be investigated. If the constipation remains untreated or if constipation becomes chronic, various risks can arise.

1. Hemorrhoids: Sustained pressure during bowel movements can cause the veins in the rectum to expand and lead to painful hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are typically accompanied by symptoms such as itching, burning and wetness in the anus. In addition, there may be mucus and blood in the stool.

2. Anal fissures: The hard stool caused by constipation can cause tears in the lining of the anus, called an anal fissure. This is usually accompanied by stabbing pain during bowel movements, subsequent burning and sometimes bleeding.

3. Rectal prolapse: If constipation persists, rectal prolapse may occur, in which the rectum is pushed outward and protrudes or partially “falls out” of the anus. This can be caused by a weakening of the muscles and ligaments in the pelvic floor area.

4. Intestinal obstruction: In rare cases, severe constipation can lead to an intestinal obstruction, in which bowel movements are completely blocked. An intestinal obstruction can result in serious complications, including tissue damage, infection, or poor circulation in the intestines, which can be life-threatening. Therefore it is one medical emergencywhich requires immediate medical attention.

5. Toxic megacolon: In certain diseases, such as Crohn’s disease, severe constipation can lead to excessive distension of the colon, which can also cause life-threatening complications.

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