The oil offers you these important ingredients

While olive or sunflower oil can be found in almost every kitchen, linseed oil is relatively unknown. Here you can find out why the oil with its mild, nutty taste is so healthy for you and why you should have it in your kitchen.

What is linseed oil?

Flaxseed oil is a vegetable oil obtained from ripe flaxseeds. Common flax, better known as flax, has been around for more than 100 years 7000 years cultivated. Besides the seeds The plant fibers are particularly interesting. They can be used to make fabric: linen. Linseed oil, in turn, was also used as a wood preservative for the production of wood Oil paintslinoleum and much more.

In some regions of Germany, linseed oil is also used Kitchen a long tradition, for example in the Erzgebirge. The oldest one still in production is in Dörnthal, for example Oil mill in Germany. Lausitzer linseed oil is a protected name. Before other oils overtook it, flax was the most important oil plant.

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Ingredients: That’s why linseed oil is a real superfood

Above all, linseed oil delivers healthy fats. Our body needs them as building blocks for cells and nerve tissue. With fat, for example, it can produce certain hormones and process vitamins A, D, E and K. Fat also serves as a protective cushion for organs, provides energy and protects against cold.

Healthy fats are polyunsaturated fatty acids. Linoleic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid) and Alpha-linolenic acid (an omega-3 fatty acid), for example, are vital. The body cannot produce either of these itself. So we have to get them from our diet – and that’s where linseed oil comes into play. It contains oils compared to other oils particularly high in alpha-linolenic acid. One tablespoon provides According to experts already two to four grams. 1.5 grams of alpha-linolenic acid shall we per day to record.

In addition, unsaturated fatty acids are important correct composition at. In order for omega-3 fatty acids to be absorbed by the body, there must not be too many omega-6 fatty acids in the food at the same time: this hinders processing. Ideally, the ratio of omega-3 fatty acids to omega-6 fatty acids is between 1:1 and 1:4. Linseed oil has one Fatty acid ratio of 3:1, so it’s perfect.

In the video: How to recognize an omega-3 fatty acid deficiency

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Omega-3 fatty acids are also found in many… positive effects on health connected. They help keep cholesterol levels in balance, stabilize blood pressure and support the brain, eyes and heart in their work. Loud German Society for Nutrition They also have an influence on the immune system and inflammatory reactions.

Linseed oil also scores points Vitamins E and K. Our body needs vitamin E to protect against free radicals and for the immune system, and vitamin K for blood clotting, among other things.

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Flaxseed oil: How important it is in a plant-based diet

Linseed oil is also important for anyone who follows a vegetarian or vegan diet. Because they consider fish to be of high quality Fat source gone – so they need other suppliers for their omega-3 fatty acids.

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Linseed oil can be in one diet have a supporting effect, as the healthy, unsaturated fatty acids support the metabolism and Fat burning stimulates. More than three tablespoons However, you shouldn’t consume it every day. With his approximately 100 calories Per tablespoon, linseed oil is not exactly low in calories.

If you use linseed oil, note that it not heated should be. Therefore, add it to your dishes only after cooking. Linseed oil, often called “liquid gold” is therefore particularly suitable for salads and cold dishes.

There are numerous uncomplicated recipes to try. How about, for example, jacket potatoes and quark, refined with a tablespoon of linseed oil? Or with a delicious, healthy breakfast smoothie full of vitamins? The combination of quark with muesli and linseed oil is also popular. Thanks to its shiny color, it also looks good in dressings for salads or in pestos and gives dishes a special note thanks to its nutty taste.

Even more recipes with linseed oil

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