The new security company of the Blues also accused of exploiting its employees

In September, the French Football Federation (FFF) revoked its security provider initially planned for the World Cup in Qatar, in the wake of a report from the program Further investigation on France 2. Exit United Security Services, accused of exploiting its employees, welcome to Groupe Security System Certis International (GSSCI), the company finally chosen by the FFF to supervise the Blues, who arrived in the emirate on Wednesday.

Problem : according Marianne, this company is at least as problematic as the previous one. In a detailed investigation, the weekly evokes repeated scandals in the treatment of its agents, mostly from Kenya and Uganda.

Poor and too small housing, confinement observed during the peak of the Covid-19 crisis in extreme conditions of promiscuity, wage exploitation with in particular many unpaid overtime hours, racism… Marianne relies on several testimonies to support these accusations, including that of Malcolm Bidali.

A whistleblower questioned by the intelligence services

This former security officer at GSSCI made numerous revelations about the behavior of the company, before being summoned by his superior to, he says, be brought in and questioned by Qatari intelligence agents.

Further investigation offers this Thursday evening on France 2 a new report devoted to GSSCI. Followers of the minimum service on the subject of human rights in the emirate, the Blues are again caught up in reality.

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