The manhunt continues, gatherings in front of prisons…

Rallies are underway in front of prisons on Wednesday morning as a sign of “support” for the two prison officers killed the day before in the violent attack, at a tollbooth in Eure, of a van transporting an offender who was has escaped, still actively sought with his accomplices.

At the Caen Prison Center, around sixty employees are, for example, gathered in the main courtyard. “This morning, it’s a dead prison to show support for the friends” killed on Tuesday, explains Bruno, regional secretary of the UFAP Justice union.

An inter-union action is planned for this Wednesday in prisons, according to the union organizations, which are calling on all professions linked to prisons for walkouts and blockades. A minute of silence for the killed officers will also be organized at 11 a.m. in front of most establishments.

Two vehicles used by the criminals were found burned after the attack on the prison van in Eure, the Paris public prosecutor said Tuesday evening. They were discovered in Eure, in Houetteville and Gauville-le-Campagne. Furthermore, according to the magistrate, the fugitive’s accomplices tried to set fire to the ram vehicle which stopped the van.

As a reminder, the authorities have triggered the Epervier plan. More than 200 gendarmes are mobilized. The GIGN was also called in for reinforcement.

Tuesday, around 11 a.m., a convoy of two prison administration vans was attacked by armed individuals at the Incarville tollbooth, on the A13 motorway, in Eure. Two prison officers were killed by criminals armed with shotguns. Three other officers were injured. The released detainee is Mohamed Amra, aged 30, already convicted thirteen times.

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