“The Jaw of Cain”, four tips for deciphering this formidable literary enigma

Can you solve the most diabolical literary enigma in the world? Cain’s Jaw by the English author Edward Powys Mathers (alias Torquemada) was published in 1934. This short 100-page detective novel has a particularity: the pages are mixed up. And the content of the novel itself is, how do you say, cryptic.

But if you manage to put them in order, and to decipher them, then perhaps you will understand who are the six victims, the perpetrator(s) of these deaths, and the weapons of the crime. And then win the great reward promised by the Pocket Book: 1,000 euros and a year of books.

Four lucky ones in the world

Know all the same that only four people in the world have so far been up to this literary puzzle. To help you get started in the game, and make you a rich man or woman, 20 minutes has tried his hand at investigating and gives you four very useful tips to see things a little more clearly.

During the lockdown, Cain’s Jaw was rediscovered by social networks. Many tiktokers have tried (in vain) to solve this formidable riddle.

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