The horoscope for Monday August 21, 2023

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It is at the end of the week that you will finally be rid of the dissonance between Mars and Neptune which is currently throwing trouble in one area (not all) of your life. Depending on your ascendant, this can be relational, material or even spiritual. Your beliefs are probably among the topics that have been questioning you for some time (3rd decan) and to which you have no answer at the moment.


You are one of the signs that will be satisfied with the situation that is taking place this week. And first of all the Sun, which will approach your Virgo friend on Wednesday at 11:02 a.m. (before, it is still Leo), and will be active for the 1st decan until 12/9. This weekend, Mars will leave Virgo for Libra, your work sector, and it seems logical that you put your energy into this area, but we’ll talk about that.


It won’t be as easy this week as the previous ones, but we know that you have resources and above all that, when necessary, you have the weapons to fight. So, if necessary, you will have a much more positive energy (1st decan) at the end of the week with the entry of Mars into Libra. Until then, 3rd decan, Mars continues to oppose Neptune, which inevitably creates disorder in the family or at work, if you work.


A good week in perspective with the Moon in Scorpio until Thursday, positive for the image you have of yourself and the one you want to give to others. From Wednesday, the Sun will occupy the Virgo friend (11:02 a.m., before, it is still Leo) and your ability to convince will be in the foreground. Small downside for the 1st decan: the entry of Mars into Libra at the end of the week, with a quick family or real estate problem to manage.


These are the last rays of the Sun in your sign, it enters Virgo on Wednesday, we will talk about it. For the moment, at the end of the 3rd decan, it does not make an appearance, but it will have a major one next year if you were born this week: Uranus will send you destabilizing impulses and a new, perhaps unexpected situation. , will disturb you. But, the planets in Virgo currently indicate that you will not run out of ideas and pragmatic solutions.


The solar star will appear in your home on Wednesday at 11:02 a.m. (HL). By then, the Moon will be in tune with you and heighten that sensitivity that you most often try to control – and most of the time you succeed, because you have an inner strength that gives you strong determination, especially born between October 1956 and October 1971. Moreover, from Thursday, Mercury will retrograde on the Sun of those born around September 14, 15. We will talk about it again.


There is an important “event” at the end of the week, Mars will enter your sign and if you are from the 1st decan you will feel the “effects” of it until September 12th. We will talk about it again. Another subject, which we will also talk about again, is the entry of the Sun into Virgo on Wednesday, sector 12 of secrecy, mystery and above all expectation. Finally, your planet, Venus, is retrograde with regard to your 2nd decan, which will be rather pleasant for your projects, but especially after September 4th.


The week opens with the presence of the Moon in your sign, which can only heighten your sensitivity and your desire to keep your distance from certain people, in particular one of them who may have disappointed you. recently, or of which you suspect that it is not clear with you (3rd decan especially). You have the feeling that he/she is trying to exclude you. Impression or reality?


Mars will finally leave Virgo at the end of the week, but if you are from the 3rd decan, the conflicting planet is still in dissonance with you and with Neptune. That is to say that you may want to impose your will, or correct a situation, or even start something, the stars (life) tell you that it is not the right time by placing obstacles on your way. (born after December 17 especially).


A better period arrives with the entry of the Sun into Virgo this Wednesday, even if it is opposed to Saturn… But we will talk about it later. Today and tomorrow are marked by the presence of the Moon in Scorpio, the sector of your zodiac which is linked to friendship, solidarity and mutual aid. You will surely be needed, your advice, but you yourself may need to seek help – and you will find it.


The week is full of changes! The Sun will enter Virgo, opposite Saturn, we’ll talk about that on Wednesday, plus the end of the week will see Mars enter your friend Libra. 1st decan until September 12, you will be able to develop a project, an idea, an ongoing business. This will surely force you to surpass yourself, but in the end, you will be satisfied with the work done, the financial results will be delayed.


About this week, you should know that the Sun will enter Virgo on Wednesday and will oppose you, 1st decan, as well as Saturn, see Wednesday for details. This Monday and tomorrow will be pleasant thanks to a Moon in Scorpio which indicates a move, a journey that can be long, but the fact of moving away will be important. It is also a guarantee of confidence, in yourself or on the part of others.

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