The high school supervisor is hit for a cigarette, the students come to his aid

Tuesday, at the end of the day, the supervisor of a Toulouse high school, located in the Croix-Daurade district, was taking a break in front of his establishment when he was approached by two teenagers. They asked him for a cigarette. He didn’t have one and the conversation quickly turned sour. The 20-year-old educational assistant was taken to task before being punched by the two young people aged 14 and 15, then knocked to the ground by a brush.

Faced with this attack, the high school students still present in front of the school grounds came to their defense while the police were alerted. Arrived on the spot the police spotted the two attackers who had not had time to flee.

They were placed in police custody, and were still there Wednesday at the end of the day, in order to disentangle the responsibilities of each.

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