Violent argument after a lecture on anti-Semitism in Hamburg

As of: May 10, 2024 2:16 p.m

After a violent political dispute at the University of Hamburg, Hamburg’s second mayor and science senator Katharina Fegebank (Greens) strongly condemned the act.

Violence should never be a means of confrontation, said Fegebank. The crime had already occurred on Wednesday evening after a public lecture series on the subject of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitism.

First heckling, then arguments

According to police, the event was disrupted by several hecklers. According to current findings, the speaker’s 56-year-old wife, who is said to be a board member of the German-Israeli Society, got into an argument with some other women in the audience at the end of the lecture. A 26-year-old is then said to have suddenly hit the woman in the face. She apparently defended herself with kicks and bites.

State security is investigating

The police opened criminal proceedings against both women on suspicion of bodily harm. State security is also investigating. There is also the question of whether the dispute was an anti-Semitic incident. “The crime must be fully investigated by the security authorities,” demanded Fegebank. University President Hauke ​​Heekeren emphasized: “We do not tolerate any violence, neither verbal nor physical, nor any form of discrimination.”

Since Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7, there has been an incident in which a Jewish student was injured in the hand in a scuffle, according to the university.

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NDR 90.3 | NDR 90.3 Current | May 10, 2024 | 13:00 ‘O clock

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