The Haute Autorité de santé recommends a third dose for all adults

Gear shift for the Haute Autorité de santé (HAS). In a review published this Thursday, it is now calling for the third dose of anti-Covid vaccine to be administered to all adults, ideally five months after the second dose. Until now, the HAS estimated that the effort should focus on the over 40s. It therefore joins the position of the government, which leaned from Wednesday for this option.

But the rapid progression of new cases and hospital admissions has been a game-changer. The HAS therefore considers that the recall campaign must be extended as quickly as possible, in order to reduce the future hospital peak. According to his calculations, enlargement to all adults would reduce this peak by 40 to 50% depending on the speed of vaccination.

This recommendation probably foreshadows what will be announced by the Minister of Health Olivier Véran this Thursday at 12:30 pm, while France is affected by a fifth wave of the epidemic, described as “dazzling” by the government.

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