The Gymnasium Feldmoching is to be expanded by containers – Munich

The Feldmoching-Hasenbergl district committee proposed two new locations for the interim high school after the city administration had rejected the expansion on Lerchenauer Feld. The school on Georg-Zech-Allee needs more space. According to the district committee, this could be created in the parking lot at the multi-purpose hall. If containers were set up there on stilts, the area could continue to be used for parking, according to the cross-party application from the CSU, Munich List, FW/ÖDP and FDP, which the district committee unanimously passed. Alternatively, the containers could be placed in the open space next to the multi-purpose hall between the sports field and Fasaneriesee. According to the will of the local politicians, a lightweight hall with a soccer field is also to be built at this location. Because of the sports lessons at the high school and parents’ evenings as well as school information events, “the sports clubs in the 24th district are increasingly being pushed out of the multi-purpose hall on Georg-Zech-Allee,” says the application.

“Basically, we welcome any suggestion to quickly provide the children with more places,” says Sebastian Ritz from the parents’ initiative “Expansion Gym 24”, which is committed to more high school places in Feldmoching-Hasenbergl. Last year, the parents pointed out the impending lack of space in grammar schools with an online petition and an open letter to Mayor Dieter Reiter. But according to Ritz, almost nothing happened. “We don’t get any information at all anymore,” he says. “Personally, I don’t have the feeling that the city takes our concerns seriously.”

It is considered unlikely that the demand for an expansion of the Gymnasium will be met. The education department considers both proposed locations to be unsuitable. “The width of the parking lot does not allow for the usual modular construction,” says a department spokesman. In addition, there are no replacement spaces for lost parking spaces. In addition, the necessary distance between the buildings and the trees that surround the area cannot be maintained.

The city administration also considers the area between the sports field and Fasaneriesee to be problematic. The spokesman says the area has already been checked. “According to the planning department, the area is a public green space that is intended to serve as a recreational area.” If you wanted to set up containers there, you would have to cut down a few trees on the heavily planted property and also grant exemptions from the development plan. There is no support for this from the planning department either.

The impending shortage of places at the Gymnasium is to be remedied by the six-stream Gymnasium at Lerchenauer Feld. However, school operations there will not start until the 2027/28 school year. The rush to the existing high schools should be distributed to existing rooms by then, explains the department spokesman. “An extension for such a short period of time is not expedient.”

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