The government launches RecallConso, a site to identify dangerous products

The aisles of a supermarket this Wednesday morning in Bordeaux. – 20 minutes

To disseminate recalls, the Ministry of the Economy launched, on Thursday, a website that allows manufacturers to disseminate recalls of defective products or products that may cause injury,
reveals The Parisian, in today’s edition.

The site RecallConso is exclusively dedicated to recalls of dangerous products. For greater clarity, it is divided into ten categories: food, automobile and means of transport, baby-child, hygiene-beauty, fashion clothing, sports-leisure, homes-habitat, electrical appliances, communication tools and equipment.

Facilitate information to the consumer

The goal: to promote the transmission of information to the consumer. Illegible displays in supermarkets, too many communication media… In the event of a reminder, it is sometimes difficult for the French to get the information. “On each recall sheet, the consumer will find the photo of the product, the brand, the batch number, the distributor and the geographical area concerned, the risk incurred and the procedure to be followed if he has the recalled product at home. This device will allow consumers to have easy and comprehensive access to products that may constitute a danger to their health, ”explained Alain Griset, Minister responsible for small and medium-sized enterprises.

In 2020, 1,126 different products were recalled, compared to 488 in 2019 and 700 three years ago, according to the General Directorate for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control (DGCCRF). Cereals and their derivatives, food supplements and bakery products are the most recalled food products. On the side, non-food items include electrical appliances, hygiene products, toys and biocides. And in most cases, these recalls occur in the event of microbiological contamination, non-declaration of an allergen, the presence of a prohibited chemical substance or even small detachable elements that can be ingested by children.

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