Gabriel Attal pays tribute to the two killed agents, “carried away by murderous madness”

Gabriel Attal greets the first responders during the van attack

Gabriel Attal will now greet the first responders, those who arrived a few minutes after the attack on the prison van in Incarville. Several firefighters and members of the Seine-Maritime Samu are present.

The Prime Minister then greeted the agents present during the ceremony, followed by the Minister of Justice Éric Dupond-Moretti and Brigitte Macron.

The coffins leave the scene of the national tribute ceremony

The coffins of Arnaud Garcia and Fabrice Moello leave the courtyard of the former Caen remand center, under the notes of the funeral march, marking the end of the national tribute ceremony.

The Legion of Honor medals placed on the coffins by Gabriel Attal

The Prime Minister, at the end of his speech, decorated Arnaud Garcia and Fabrice Moello with the Legion of Honor, posthumously.

“It is for your lives devoted to justice, and carried out in its name, that I have the honor this morning of presenting you with the insignia of knight of the Legion of Honor.”

He placed the medals on the two coffins, before the Marseillaise rang out once again in the courtyard of the former Caen remand prison.

Arnaud Garcia and Fabrice Moello promoted posthumously

Gabriel Attal concluded his speech by announcing the posthumous promotion of the two agents killed during the Incarville attack.

“We will honor your memories. We will bring your struggles to life. Fabrice Moello will be promoted to the corps of prison service directors. Arnaud Garcia to the officer corps to the rank of captain.”

The deaths of Fabrice Moello and Arnard Garcia “will not go unpunished” assures Attal

“The investigation is progressing, it will be successful,” assures Gabriel Attal. In his speech, he assures that the deaths of Fabrice Moello and Arnard Garcia “will not go unpunished”.

“To the cowardly, heinous criminals who committed this barbaric crime I want to say it again: do not sleep peacefully. We will hunt you down, we will find you and we will punish you. The sword of justice will not tremble.”

Gabriel Attal describes Fabrice Moello as a “respected chef and a beloved father”

The Prime Minister mentions Fabrice Moello, a “Norman at heart” who worked at Prej since 2019.

“A humility and maturity that inspired respect,” Gabriel Attal insisted.

“He was the one who galvanized courage and revived strength,” he continues. The Prime Minister wants to remember a “smiling force”, a “benevolent force”, but also a “respected leader and a beloved father”.

Arnaud Garcia, a “sincere and passionate” man greets the Prime Minister

Gabriel Attal first pays tribute to Arnaud Garcia, 34, who was going to become a father. A “sincere and passionate” man, insists the Prime Minister.

“His job was much more than a profession, but a commitment.”

Gabriel Attal begins his speech and reviews the progress of the van attack

“It was not yet six o’clock this morning of May 14.” Prime Minister Gabriel Attal begins his speech in Caen.

He returns to the mission entrusted to Arnaud Garcia and Fabrice Moello, a convoy to transfer an inmate, and recounts how the attack on the prison van took place. “Brutality against the rule of law. Violence against justice,” he describes.

It pays tribute to two agents “carried away by murderous madness”. “France has lost two of its servants (…) We will not forget them.”

The two coffins arrive at the ceremony site

The coffins of Arnaud Garcia and Fabrice Moello arrive at the scene of the national tribute ceremony. A photo of each of the two agents is displayed alongside the coffins, decorated with a French flag.

Start of the national tribute ceremony in Caen

The national tribute ceremony begins with the arrival of Gabriel Attal. The Marseillaise resounds in the former Caen remand center.

The Prime Minister reviews the troops before the arrival of the coffins.

Élisabeth Borne and Brigitte Macron attend the national tribute

Élisabeth Borne, former Prime Minister, is one of the many elected officials present at the ceremony. She is today a deputy for the 6th constituency of Calvados, the department where the national tribute is taking place.

Brigitte Macron, wife of the Head of State, is also present alongside the MP.

Brigitte Macron and Elisabeth Borne, May 22, 2024 in Caen, for tribute to the two prison officers killed in Incarville. © BFMTV

The three officers injured during the van attack present at the ceremony

The three officers injured during the attack on the prison van in Incarville are present at the national tribute ceremony, BFMTV has learned.

One of them was also seriously injured, with his life threatening for a while.

Emmanuel Macron pays tribute to two men “decided to serve Justice”

Emmanuel Macron, currently flying to New Caledonia, paid tribute to the two prison officers killed in a message on his X account.

“They went ahead with their mission, despite the risks, because they had decided to serve Justice. We will do it in their name,” he wrote. “Today, the Nation bows with respect and honors their memory.”

Gabriel Attal speaks with the families of the victims before the start of the ceremony

The Prime Minister is currently speaking with the families of the victims for almost an hour. The national tribute ceremony is about to begin, after this exchange.

Several hundred guests are present at the former Caen remand center, in particular the relatives of the two officers killed but also numerous prison officers from all over France.

The inter-union deplores the cancellation of Emmanuel Macron’s visit

The absence of the Head of State from the national tribute paid this afternoon is greatly regretted by the inter-union representing prison officers, who speak of a “new blow”.

In a press release published yesterday, the unions evoke the strong symbol conveyed by the presence of Emmanuel Macron at this ceremony. “Being alongside (the prison officers, Editor’s note) in this tragic circumstance testified to the official recognition of their own unfailing commitment to the service of Justice.”

More information on this topic in our article.

Gabriel Attal and Éric Dupond-Moretti arrived in Caen

Prime Minister Gabriel Attal arrived at the former Caen remand prison around 11 a.m., accompanied by Minister of Justice Éric Dupond-Moretti and Minister of Transformation and Civil Service Stanislas Guérini.

Legion of Honor, speeches… The proceedings of the tribute ceremony

The families of the victims will first be welcomed around 11 a.m. by the Prime Minister, before the ceremony begins an hour later. Around a hundred relatives are expected at the scene.

Gabriel Attal will then pay honors to the flag and then review the troops. The coffins will then enter the place of homage. The Legion of Honor, with which they were decorated this Wednesday, will be awarded to them posthumously.

The Prime Minister’s speech will follow around 12:15 p.m., then a minute of silence, before the Marseillaise sounds.

The ceremony takes place a few meters from the workplace of the killed agents

The ceremony takes place at the former Caen remand center, a few hundred meters from the Regional Center for Judicial Extractions (Prej), workplace of Arnaud Garcia and Fabrice Moello.

A choice of location praised in particular by Philippe Lagalle, mayor of Thury-Harcourt, place of residence of Fabrice Moello.

A tribute chaired by Gabriel Attal, without the presence of Emmanuel Macron

Initially, Emmanuel Macron was to chair the national tribute ceremony. Nevertheless, the Head of State announced yesterday that he was going to New Caledonia. He will therefore be replaced at short notice by his Prime Minister Gabriel Attal.

The President of the Republic still met the families of the victims at the Élysée on Tuesday afternoon.

The start of the national tribute ceremony at noon

Hello and welcome to this live dedicated to the national tribute paid to the two prison officers killed during the attack on a van in Eure. It will take place from noon at the former Caen remand center.

On May 14, armed men attacked the prison convoy responsible for the transfer of Mohamed Amra, an inmate who is now on the run. Arnaud Garcia and Fabrice Moello lost their lives there.

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