The government asks Social Security to increase the salaries of its agents

The four ministers in charge of Social Security asked this Thursday to its various funds (health, retirement, family) to open negotiations to revalue the index point of their 150,000 employees, on the basis of the 3.5% granted in July to civil servants.

“At the request of the ministers, the employers of the general scheme will open negotiations with the representative organizations with a view to a revaluation of the index point of the employees of the Social Security”, indicate in a press release Olivier Dussopt (Labour), François Braun (Health), Jean-Christophe Combe (Solidarities) and Gabriel Attal (Budget).

A revaluation like that of the public service

The government wants “a revaluation of the same magnitude as that of the public service”, in order to “continue to preserve the purchasing power of Social Security employees in a context of unprecedented inflation” (5.8% over one year in August), after the revaluation this year of the “30,000 lowest paid employees” of the Social Security funds and “an exceptional profit-sharing of 200 euros” for all agents.

The negotiations will have to be concluded quickly because “the objective is for this to be effective as quickly as possible, in the fall”, specifies Jean-Christophe Combe in an interview with the Parisian.

The executive is responding to a demand from the CFDT, whose general secretary Laurent Berger underlined in an interview with Le Monde on Tuesday that his union was “in action” in several “moving sectors”, in the first place “the agents of Social Security (who) are demanding a revaluation of the index point”.

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