The finance bill, incomplete and misleading according to the opposition, passes to the Assembly

“Budget jokes and tricks”, “golf course”, “spending euphoria” or budget that “spends both insufficiently and badly” … The 2022 budget bill hardly reaches the Assembly that criticism is raining down on it. the last five-year budget. Two important components are missing: the investment plan promised by Emmanuel Macron to build France in 2030 and which he will unveil on Tuesday, and the “engagement income” for young people, still shrouded in uncertainties.

On this point, still in the process of arbitration, the government could revise its ambitions downwards and favor a “contract of engagement” refocused on 500,000 young people aged 16 to 25 (rather than 1 million mentioned at the start), further away from employment and studies. “A simple extension of the youth guarantee”, estimates a government source, or an already existing support system, with an allowance of around 500 euros. “As for the investment plan, it will not be 30 billion at once and there is a part of recycling PIA4”, the 4th program of investments for the future launched in 2021, relativizes the deputy LREM Cendra Motin.

Mocked to the right as to the left

This copy earned the executive remonstrances from the High Council of Public Finance, which was unable to deliver a “fully enlightened” opinion on this finance bill and the “plausibility” of the deficit forecast at 4.8% of the budget. GDP in 2022, for a still dizzying debt, expected at 114% of GDP. The government intends to supplement the budget by amendments. “Your PLF is a golf course, I do not yet know if it is composed of eighteen or nine holes”, ironically the socialist Christine Pires Beaune, regretting the absence of an RSA for the 18 -24 years, claimed by the PS for a long time.

LR for his part castigates a “spending euphoria”. Valérie Pécresse, presidential candidate on the right, accuses the government of “burning the fund” before the election. “It’s a budget of pranks and jokes. We did not budget in the order of five to six billion in expenses, I have never seen that, ”adds Charles de Courson (Freedom and Territories). On the left, Eric Coquerel (LFI) finds on the contrary that “this budget spends both insufficiently and badly”, pointing to tax cuts which “benefit especially the richest”. There is “no solidarity tax”, also deplores the communist Jean-Paul Dufrègne.

The rapporteur Laurent Saint-Martin (LREM) calls for “fiscal stability”, in particular for companies. This budget should not contain any significant fiscal changes, if not the continuation of movements initiated before the crisis. Thus, the wealthiest 20% of households who still pay housing tax will see its amount further reduced, before it is completely abolished in 2023.

The title of certain expenses is also difficult to pass. Thus, for the first time, nearly 50 billion will be allocated to the Ministry of Ecology. A proactive response to the climate crisis? In reality, out of this budget, 13 billion are planned for “assistance and access to housing” (APL, etc.), and 4 billion for special pension schemes, in particular those of the SNCF … In the end, the “Ecological transition” only recovers 15.9 billion.

“Now is the time to invest”

The government claims a budget “back to normal”, after the “whatever the cost” in the face of Covid-19. Bercy promises to devote part of the best expected revenue to deficit reduction thanks to dynamic growth this year (+ 6%, then + 4% in 2022 according to the government). The announcements of Emmanuel Macron and Jean Castex have however multiplied in recent weeks, between plan for the independents, boost to MaPrimeRénov, Beauvau of security, plan for Marseille … The executive intends to keep its “commitments”, with the increase in resources allocated to sovereign missions – Interior, Justice, Armies – as well as to Education and Research.

“This is the time to invest, to prepare France for the economic success of the next 15 to 20 years”, assumes the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire. The National Assembly attacks this Monday the first part devoted to recipes, with some 2,000 amendments to the key, with a view to a solemn vote on October 19. Then will come the second part devoted to spending and the parliamentary shuttle with the Senate, in order to definitively adopt this last five-year budget before Christmas.

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