According to the governor of the Kharkiv region, Oleg Synegoubov, who published a statement summarizing the nighttime attacks on Telegram, three people, aged 55, 56 and 64, were “injured” in Russian bombings. Another, aged 62, was “injured” following a drone attack, the official said.
In total, during the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, “13 Russian drones” attacked several Ukrainian regions, the commander of the Ukrainian Air Force, Mykola Oleshchouk, indicated on Telegram. According to him, “ten” were “intercepted” by Ukrainian anti-aircraft defense over the Kharkiv, Sumy and kyiv regions. However, he did not specify what happened to the three drones that passed through.
Poland’s deputy foreign minister said Tuesday that NATO is considering the possibility of shooting down Russian missiles that come too close to the Atlantic Alliance’s borders, two days after Poland reported a violation of its space air. But, according to Andrzej Szejna, “this could only be done with the agreement of the Ukrainian side and taking into account the international consequences”.
Despite the war, Ukraine qualified for Euro-2024, beating Iceland in the play-off 2 goals to 1 on Tuesday in Wroclaw in Poland where the match had been relocated. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky sent a congratulatory message with strong political content to the players. ” Thanks guys ! Thanks to the selection! For the great emotions offered to the entire country. For this important victory and for this qualification for the Euro. For demonstrating once again that every time Ukrainians face difficulties but do not give up and continue the struggle, Ukrainians win,” he wrote on his X account. “In a period where the enemy is trying to destroy us, we provide proof every day that Ukrainians are and will remain. Ukraine is and will remain! Glory to Ukraine,” he added.
Hello everyone. Like every day, the editorial staff of 20 minutes is mobilized to give you all the information on the conflict. This Wednesday, the Ukrainian question will shake up the European Union. The Twenty-Seven will examine the project to cap certain agricultural imports from Ukraine, considered insufficient by certain States, including France, which wish to extend these restrictions to wheat. The file will be discussed at a meeting of member state ambassadors.
Since 2022, Brussels has granted kyiv an exemption from customs duties to support the country in the face of the Russian invasion. But European farmers accuse the influx of Ukrainian products of lowering local prices and of “unfair” competition, failing to meet the same standards.