“The democratic process makes sense”, believes Christiane Taubira, Valérie Pécresse inaugurates a new political program… follow the political news live

Guest of the morning of franceinfo, Sandrine Rousseau reacted to the victory of Christiane Taubira last night. “There, I’m angry (…) We are here, we are multiplying the applications like hot cakes. But, in the end, we do not respond to the emergency. We have five years to act on the climate issue, we have a social situation that is unprecedented. Why are we doing this? », she wondered this morning.

Still on the side of Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV), Julien Bayou also deplored a new candidacy with the victory of Mme Taubira. ” All that for this “, estimated the national secretary of EELV. The debate has been hampered for several months and we cannot talk about the projects, the way in which we want to face climate change and inequalities in this country, because we are told about a rally on the left. We stand for ecology and social justice (…) There are a multitude of candidates on the left ”, lamented Mr. Bayou. “All people who feel concerned by ecology are welcome to campaign behind Yannick Jadot”, called the national secretary of the green party.

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