The delicious nuts support your diet success so effectively

Pistachios are not only delicious, but also healthy and support your diet in a natural way. Find out how nuts help you lose weight, what benefits they offer and how to incorporate them into your diet. Pistachios make losing weight a pleasure – discover our tips and recipe ideas to successfully implement your diet.

Lose weight with pistachios: That’s why they’re so healthy

Pistachios exist too 45 percent from fatbut mainly from valuable ones unsaturated fatty acids. The following applies here: Not all fat is the same. There is a difference between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.

Most saturated fatty acids come from animal sources and if consumed in excess, they can promote unwanted fat deposits and increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Wear in contrast unsaturated fatty acids Help reduce high blood fat levels and can even help control weight.

The polyunsaturated fatty acids in pistachios offer Protection for the heart and blood vesselsby lowering cholesterol levels. Polyphenol antioxidants in pistachios protect cells and cell walls, although the proportion is higher than in green tea. The one found in abundance in pistachios potassium lowers the production of the stress hormone cortisol. Pistachios are also a good source of folic acid during pregnancy.

In the video: Which nuts are particularly healthy?

Losing weight with pistachios: The origin of the nuts

Botanically speaking, pistachios are not nuts; Drupes. Pistachios have theirs Origin in the Middle East. They are one of the oldest cultivated plants and have been specifically cultivated since ancient times. According to legend, the Queen of Sheba decided that this tasty stone fruit with its almond-like, slightly sweet and extremely aromatic taste should be reserved exclusively for the royal family. The people were therefore not allowed to grow pistachios.

Over the centuries, pistachios spread throughout the world and became known primarily as a snack and ingredient in various recipes. The largest pistachio producers are today Iran, the USA and Turkey.

Calories and ingredients of pistachios

To avoid becoming overweight due to excessive consumption of nuts, restraint is the key word! Because if you 100 grams of pistachios devour, you take approximately 580 calories to you. However, the number of calories per single pistachio is only three to four – so those who tend to binge on nuts should choose unshelled pistachios. This at least slows down consumption.

Pistachios also contain:

  • an impressive one Protein content of 18 percent,
  • plenty Vitamins B, A and E,
  • generous amounts potassium and iron,
  • as well as a high amount of fiberwhich stimulate digestion.

Roasted vs. Salted Pistachios: Which is Better?

Both raw and roasted nuts have almost identical amounts of calories, protein, fats, carbohydrates and fiber. The differences between them are minimal. Generally they stay health benefits of nuts too obtained after roasting.

However, when roasting, harmful substances such as: Acrylamide and Trans fats arise. To avoid this, it is recommended to consume raw nuts.

Read more about raw food here:

Losing weight with pistachios: This is what they do to our body

Eating pistachios is associated with various positive effects. We have summarized the most important advantages:

  1. Promoting Bone Health: Due to their ideal ratio of calcium and phosphorus, pistachios provide important building blocks for strong bones and healthy teeth.
  2. Iron supply: Pistachios contain an impressive 7 milligrams of iron per 100 grams, which is of particular interest to vegetarians, vegans and women. These groups often suffer from iron deficiency, which can cause exhaustion and tiredness. Regular consumption of pistachios helps ensure adequate iron supply.
  3. Improvement in blood values: Thanks to the high omega-3 fatty acid content in pistachios, harmful cholesterol can be bound in the blood and excreted. This reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and protects blood vessels.
  4. Protein source: Pistachios are an excellent source of protein, especially for vegetarians, vegans and those who want to incorporate more plant-based proteins into their diet. They contain all nine essential amino acidsthat the body needs to build and maintain tissue structures such as muscles.
  5. Melatonin for better sleep: Melatonin plays an important role in falling asleep. Pistachios are particularly rich in melatonin and can support people who suffer from sleep problems. But pistachios are also helpful for anyone who doesn’t have sleep disorders. Because nowadays our melatonin levels are reduced by artificial light from smartphones, televisions and the like.

In the clip: This is the best way to store different nuts

Study: How pistachios help you lose weight

Pistachios are not only good for your health, but also help you lose weight. This was proven by researchers at the University of Los Angeles.

In this study 24 participants received as an evening snack 45 grams of pistachios, while the other 24 test subjects consumed 60 grams of salt pretzels. Both snack portions contained each 220 kilocalories – the rest of the diet remained the same. After three months not only showed up improved blood lipid levels in the pistachio groupbut it also became one average weight loss of one kilogram more recorded.

Due to the high content of healthy fats in pistachios, carbohydrates from other foods reach the blood more slowly. This means that we stay full longer and have a… more stable blood sugar levels maintained. In addition The fiber it contains saturates you for a long timewhich makes sticking to a diet easier.

Some of the fats in pistachios are also excreted undigested, which in turn leads to a saving of calories. Therefore, pistachios are a good alternative to other high-calorie snacks.

When served quickly, pistachios are a healthy snack. You usually buy the nuts with the shell on and then pulse them right before eating. © Adobe Stock

Lose weight with pistachios: You should keep these tips in mind when buying

When buying pistachios it is important to buy the highest Quality to pay attention. Only fresh nuts without them are harmless to health Mold infestation. The greener the nuts, the better. If they give off an unpleasant smell or look old, be careful as this indicates possible mold growth.

Even small amounts of mold can be significant Damage to liver and kidneys cause and even increase the risk of cancer. It is also heat-resistant and cannot be destroyed by cooking or baking. The high fat and protein content makes pistachios particularly susceptible to mold formation. Mold growth is not always visible to the naked eye. Therefore, it is recommended to Pistachios with shell to buy – this way they are better protected. Open packs should stored cool and dry and consumed as soon as possible.

Depending on the country of origin, some pistachios can be included pesticides be treated. Although pistachios available in Germany are generally not contaminated, it is still advisable to organically grown pistachios to ensure they are free of harmful chemicals.

Further tips and tricks for losing weight can be found here:

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