The Danish King Frederik X is fit and fast

Mocking pet name
Frederik of Denmark, King of the Mamils

Fit and fast: Frederik X. from Denmark

The graying Prince Frederik in a festive uniform became the regent of Denmark. But beneath the medals lies a different type of man. His wife Mary calls him mockingly: “Mamil”. What this nickname means.

Of course, Frederik has to take care of his Danes. He is now their top representative. But that’s not all – the king also belongs to an often ridiculed minority: the Mamils, i.e. the “middle-aged men in Lycra”, middle-aged men in functional clothing. These are guys who, with little or gray hair and reptilian necks, relentlessly race up mountains on racing bikes and run through city parks. Frederik’s wife knows her husband in uniform, in a fine suit, in jeans, in a triathlon wetsuit and also completely in Lycra. You never know how it will turn the corner, complained Mary after research by the relevant specialist organs. And gave him the pet name “Mamil”.

This is the chance to break down traditional prejudices. That’s how they go: racing bike riders Men of advanced age reproduce unisexually and explosively in the spring. They don’t give a damn about weekend family obligations and refuse to use bike paths for religious reasons. They are dressed in a completely absurd way. Even though there is a lot that is right about this picture, it is still not true. It’s like reducing a cow to farting or a bee to its stinger. Useful beings are misunderstood because their true character is hidden behind other characteristics.

It doesn’t just belong to the Danes

Mamils ​​are social creatures. Internally and externally. Instead of pursuing younger women in the style of their fathers, they dampen their remaining libido by sliding on rock-hard bicycle saddles. In addition, they always strive for a life in a pack. There they give each other security and, through competition and vanity, encourage each other to achieve everything that is still possible. A blessing for the aging society.

In the end, what remains of the allegations are the clothes. They’re bad. But anyone who has ever sweated through a cotton shirt for hours will appreciate tight-fitting functional fibers. And anyone who has ever sat on a saddle like the Ergon SM3 Pro not only knows where the SM in the name comes from – but also why there have to be diaper-like inserts in the pants.

Tolerance and understanding would be necessary and appropriate. They’re basically fine boys. Just like Frederik, who had his big moment in Mamil circles in 2013 when he completed the Copenhagen Triathlon over the Ironman distance in a very respectable ten hours and 45 minutes. He is someone that common recreational athletes can look up to. And as a monarch, he is known for making a big impression with somehow inappropriate clothing. So, Frederik: Long live the King of the Mamils.

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