The Crous launches an indigestible game to win free meals

The game ended earlier than expected. Tuesday morning, the Strasbourg Crous ended a competition launched the day before with the university’s professional integration service. Its principle was simple and classic on social networks: against shares, subscriptions and likes, it was possible to win prizes. Except that these were none other, for two lucky draws, than… “two months of free meals at Crous”.

This award aroused the indignation of several student organizations. Including the National Union of Students of France (UNEF). “With others, we reacted because it’s scandalous to use student precariousness as a marketing tool”, launches 20 minutes Jules Gori, the UNEF referent in the Alsatian capital. “We have no right to play with food while some students are currently queuing up for free distributions or skipping meals for lack of means. »

A controversy that the Strasbourg Crous had not seen coming. The proof, the same contest had been launched last year without it arousing so many vindictive reactions. “We counted again: there were two negative comments out of the 380”, we explain to the Regional Center for University and School Works. While recognizing a certain “awkwardness given the current context”.

The Crous recognizes “the malaise”

But the Crous insists: this operation was above all intended to be communication. “It was to make all our activity known to new students. It’s the same every year. We’re really not here to create discomfort. Our goal is to help students. Fighting against their precariousness is our core mission. »

“Yes, it was scandalous but also awkward”, abounds for his part Jules Gori, satisfied with the decline of the Crous. This does not prevent him from calling for other fights. “We, in particular, are calling for the meal at 1 euro for everyone. It may avoid playing on food…”

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