The country offers a “bilateral dialogue” with European countries wishing to help secure its territory

As France disengages from Mali, the West African country has offered bilateral cooperation to European countries. The nations involved in Takuba are asked to cooperate on the security of the country.

Defense Minister Colonel Sadio Camara and Foreign Affairs Minister Abdoulaye Diop received ambassadors from European countries contributing to Takuba on Thursday, an army statement said. Adboulaye Diop “declared that all partners who want to work with Mali to secure its territory (…) are welcome,” the statement added.

“Diplomatic tension between France and Mali”

“Mali remains and remains available for exchanges” within the framework of “bilateral dialogue”, he added. European countries “must also exercise discernment in the diplomatic tension between France and Mali,” the statement said.

“Mali wants to overcome this tension within the framework of a bilateral discussion”, adds the text, without appearing clearly if it speaks of discussion with France or the Europeans. “But let each of them understand that it is important to place their action within the framework of direct discussions with the Malian authorities to find ways and means of creating a legal framework” for their possible action in Mali, according to the text. .

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