Reus gives BVB fans a gift – beer for over 100,000 euros!

Marco Reus said goodbye to Borussia Dortmund on Saturday afternoon. As part of the 4-0 win, the Dortmund player rewarded himself with a dream goal – then there was a special gift for the fans.

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BVB published a photo after the final whistle X. On it was a handwritten note that said: “Thank you for everything! The farewell beer is on me. Your Marco.”

This note appeared at one of the concession stands at Signal Iduna Park on Saturday afternoon

Beer for over 100,000 euros

The free beer was distributed throughout the stadium. The Dortmund south stand alone, the largest standing stand in Europe, can accommodate 24,545 people. Apparently the outgoing BVB star pays for the cold drinks out of his own pocket. With a beer price of 4.90 euros and one beer per person, Reus’s generous gesture would cost over 100,000 euros.

“The action had been planned for a long time,” Reus revealed to the afterwards Picture. Carsten Cramer, Marketing Director at BVB, implemented it brilliantly. After his last home game in the BVB uniform, the Dortmund legend celebrated for minutes in the middle of the fan block.

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Reus thanks the fans

“I hope they enjoyed it,” said Reus, who celebrated extensively with the “Yellow Wall” after the 4-0 (2-0) win against Darmstadt 98. “It was fun. When I come back, I will definitely pay the boys a visit,” said the 34-year-old.

In the comment column, Reus was criticized by the X-Users celebrated for the campaign. “I thanked people for standing by my side all this time. “That’s not a given,” said the goalscorer afterwards Sky.

Reus, whose contract expires in the summer will not be extended, initially played for his favorite club at youth level until the beginning of 2005 and returned in 2012. He will leave the club after the Champions League final against Real Madrid on June 1st.

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