The Constitutional Council will decide on January 25, announces Fabius

Tick ​​tock… The Constitutional Council will rule on January 25 on the Immigration law, adopted in mid-December despite the controversies. The president of the institution, Laurent Fabius, announced this date during the Council’s greetings to Emmanuel Macron.

The former socialist Prime Minister made a point of recalling that the Constitutional Council is not “a chamber of appeal for the choices of Parliament, it is the judge of the constitutionality of laws”, according to the text of his speech transmitted to the AFP. “In an advanced democratic regime like ours, we can always modify the state of the law but, to do so, we must always ensure that we respect the rule of law,” he added.

The year “2023 has indeed struck us, my colleagues and me, by a certain confusion among some between law and politics”, he explained, recalling that the role of the Constitutional Council is, “whatever the text before it, to rule in law.”

Last month, LFI, the PS, the ecologists and the communists contacted the wise men about thirty articles, “contrary to constitutional principles” according to them. In an interview on France 5 in December, Emmanuel Macron said he “assumed” the adoption of the bill, assuring that the French were “waiting” for this text. It will have to pass through the filter of the Constitutional Council for the law to be promulgated.

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