The Church must not “turn the page”, warn the victims

The Catholic Church must not “turn the page” on the file of pedocrime, several victims’ associations warned on Saturday. These were brought together for the first time in Paris, a year after the publication of the report which demonstrated the extent of the phenomenon.

“The Church must continue to raise awareness,” said Olivier Savignac, from the collective Parler et revivre, at the end of a day bringing together 13 organizations representing victims of pedocriminal acts within the Church. “It is not a question of turning the page, nor of relinquishing these questions by deporting them to the commissions currently at work”, he warned.

About 330,000 minors concerned

The independent commission chaired by senior civil servant Jean-Marc Sauvé had revealed that around 330,000 minors have been victims, in France and since the 1950s, of priests, deacons, religious or people linked to the Church. This recognized the institutional and “systemic” nature of these acts, and set up two compensation commissions.

But the Sauvé commission was not received in Rome last year, as originally scheduled, provoking strong criticism from the victims. “The memorial process belongs to the victims and cannot be (…) confiscated by the Church”, warned Saturday Jean-René Nicoleau, of the Collectif 85, representing the victims in Vendée.

Some associations also regret the slowness of compensation, only a small part of the files having succeeded for the time being, even if others are understanding about the complexity of the files. Olivier Savignac announced the launch of a survey of victims, in particular to better understand the reasons why some have not made a claim for compensation.

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