The CDU decides on a quota for women and a compulsory year – politics

Quota for women, violent attacks against the government and a mandatory year of society – the party conference of the Christian Democrats has a lot to offer. However, proposals for solving the acute crisis remain scarce.


Boris Herrmann and Christoph Koopmann, Hanover

The CDU goes where it hurts, and above all itself. There is no other way to explain why the delegates at the party conference in Hanover, after this tough and long discussion on Friday evening, took on such a challenging semantic debate the very next morning. It is about three lines in the “Charter of Fundamental Values”, which should be the basis for a new basic program. The question on which the 1001 delegates, judging by their tired eyes still slightly hungover from the party the previous evening, are biting their teeth: Does the CDU want to stand for “equality”, for “equal rights” or forEquality of Opportunity”?

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