The beluga stuck in the Seine still does not feed

The beluga detected in the Seine on Tuesday is still not feeding, although it has been in a lock since Friday located 70 km from Paris, we learned from the Eure prefecture. “There is no food from him, he is still evolving at Notre-Dame de la Garenne”, indicated the prefecture this Saturday morning “He is still subject to state surveillance and ‘associations concerned’, added the prefecture.

The lock, which is approximately 200 m long, is closed and closed to navigation until further notice. According to the Pelagis observatory, which specializes in marine mammals, it is the second beluga known in France after a fisherman from the Loire estuary brought one up in his nets in 1948. The beluga, which measures around 4 meters in adulthood, is a protected species of cetacean usually living in the cold waters of the Arctic.

This is not the first marine mammal to get lost in the Seine in recent weeks. In early July, Sea Shepherd announced that it had observed a cetacean presented as a fin whale in the Le Havre estuary. In May, an orca found itself in difficulty in the Seine between Rouen and Le Havre. The operations to try to save the cetacean had failed and the animal had finally died of starvation.

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