the Axelle Dorier trial ended in turmoil in Lyon

During this week, at the Rhône Assize Court, the defense tried to show the jury of the trial of the death of Axelle Dorier that the defendants had acted in fear.

The fear of being lynched by the victim’s friends, hit and then dragged more than 800 meters by Youcef and Mohamed’s car. The term “skinhead” has been used several times to describe certain members of Axelle Dorier’s entourage.

When the verdict was announced, 12 years’ imprisonment for the driver and 5 years, including 3 years suspended for his passenger, the 24 columns became the scene of intense tension that almost led to a general fight.

It all started with the shrill cry of a woman close to the defendants when the verdict was announced. Unable to stop, she was evacuated by the police, along with the relatives of Mohamed and Youcef. “Shut the fuck up, that bitch”yelled one of Axelle’s brothers, beside himself.

He then allegedly broke a window in the courthouse and then gave a Nazi salute as he was taken out of the courtroom, which his lawyer later denied. A procedure was however opened, because witnesses, and in particular a bailiff, saw him make this gesture.

In the confusion, a fight was about to take place because the relatives of the accused did not wish to come out. But again, the police evacuated the premises.

Outside, in front of the Vieux-Lyon courthouse, the identities of the Remparts gathered with a banner “Youcef, Mohamed, assassins of my people”.

Since no party seems to want to appeal, the trial for the death of Axelle Dorier ends there. Everyone will have definitely failed to honor his memory.


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