The AI ​​behind Chat GPT: What the new chatbot can do – Culture


Andrian Kreye

The digital world tends to celebrate its technological advances as historical events. Last week, for example, the release of the chatbot Chat GPT by the research company Open AI. This is the most advanced computer program to date that can simulate human conversation and write text on command. “As important as the invention of the Internet itself!”, it cheered the network. And: “The time calculation will be divided into the time before and after Chat GPT!” The program is destined to be a breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). The self-learning methods have been refined. Generating Responses. The voice output too. Not just grammatically, but also in terms of content. At times you really have the impression that you are talking to a human-like creature. In addition, the thing can be very entertaining, which breaks down some inhibitions.

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