The affair of the cursed bread of Pont-Saint-Esprit

For some it would be food poisoning, but for others it could be a hit from the CIA, or even chemtrails! So, what happened in Pont-Saint-Esprit? 70 years later, OhMyFake looks back on this mysterious case which continues to fuel conspiracy theories.

It all started in August 1951, in Pont-Saint-Esprit, a small town of 4,500 inhabitants in the south of France. In a few days, the doctors of the city see dozens of patients who all have the same symptoms. Chills, stomach aches, hot flashes, vomiting, and in some cases: hallucinations! The situation worsens in the following days.

With Oh My Fake, we explain all this to you in the video placed at the top of this article.

Be strong against fake news

OMF Oh My Fake on Snapchat Discover is the 20 Minutes program that makes you strong against fake news, and more broadly invites you to understand the springs and psychological biases that encourage sharing and virality. Beyond knowing if “It’s true or it’s false”, the important thing is rather to understand “Why did we believe it? », by analyzing the mechanisms that make rumours, often fake, attractive to the point that even seasoned minds – like yours! – can succumb to it.

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