TF1’s program “La France face à la guerre” is nicely gaining ground in the audience

TF1 offered Monday evening France in the face of war, a real fake debate with the air of a great oral between eight of the 12 presidential candidates. From 8:20 p.m. to 11:15 p.m., the special program brought together an average of 4.1 million viewers, for a market share of 20%, with a peak audience of 5.2 million at 9:02 p.m. The channel imposes itself against the competition, and an unprecedented Kitchen nightmare on M6, and even claims the best audience for a prime time political program since the launch of the campaign, all channels combined.

It is still necessary to put this score into perspective and put it into perspective with, for example, a comparable debate, between five candidates, broadcast in March 2017 during the previous presidential election. No less than 9.8 million people (47.9% of PDAs) were then in front of their small screen.

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