Tell us about your most memorable evenings

The end-of-year holidays are fast approaching and preparations for the Christmas meal will quickly give way to those for New Year’s Eve. Big party with friends or family, evening in a small group or peaceful New Year’s Eve alone at home, everyone has their own New Year’s Eve. In any case, it’s an opportunity to create memories, whether the party is the best of your life or, on the contrary, a monumental disaster.

And you, what is your most memorable New Year’s Eve party? Do you have a strong memory of a particularly successful New Year’s Eve party? Is there a completely failed evening that you will always remember? Did a country, a city or an unusual place in which you celebrated the transition to the new year particularly impact you? Want to share a New Year’s Eve party story? Are your best December 31st those spent with your friends, your family, or alone? Tell us, your testimony could be used to write an article. THANKS !

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