“Tatort” today from Bremen: That’s what “Liebeswut” is about

“Tatort” from Bremen
When the devil speaks through the walls: Inspector Moormann fights her childhood trauma

Scene from the Bremen crime scene: Liv Moormann (Jasna Fritzi Bauer) has to face her confusing memories, which Gernot Schaballa (Aljoscha Stadelmann, left) triggers.

© Radio Bremen/Claudia Konerding / ARD

Weird characters, confusing plot: The “Tatort” repeat from Bremen is desperately trying to be original. It’s not just the commissioner who loses her nerve.

  • 2 out of 5 points
  • Unusual “crime scene” where the effort to be original is clearly noticeable

What’s the matter?

Mother of two Susanne Kramer sets herself on fire in her apartment and leaves a message on the wall: “The devil speaks to you through the walls.” Liv Moormann (Jasna Fritzi Bauer) and Linda Selb (Luise Wolfram) initially believe they are dealing with the suicide of a mentally disturbed person, especially since the woman mutilated herself before her death. But when the children don’t return from school, it dawns on the inspectors that there could be more at stake.

Why is “Crime Scene: Love Rage” worth it?

Dysfunctional family constellations are a popular topic in “Tatort”. This episode also shows the power toxic people have on those around them. This topos is even explored on two levels: in the main plot of the case and in Liv Moormann’s private story.

What bothers?

A neighbor in his undershirt who is always sucking ice cream. A caretaker with behavioral problems. And a grown woman who lives in a doll world: None of the characters in this “crime scene” seem real. In order to create the most surreal atmosphere possible, the creators (written by Martina Mouchot, directed by Anne Zohra Berrached) sacrificed the credibility of their characters. Unfortunately, this also rubs off on the two investigators, who are defined here as having one character trait: While Selb is portrayed as cold and callous, Moormann is the victim of her emotions.

The commissioners?

It is an encounter with consequences: Gernot Schaballa (Aljoscha Stadelmann), a neighbor of the dead mother, solves the problem Liv Moormann suffered a trauma. Was she abused as a child? In the course of this episode, the inspector goes on a journey through her memories. The fact that her colleague Linda Selb gives her hash cookies every now and then doesn’t make the situation any better.

Turn on or off?

This “crime scene” wants more than it can do. Therefore: no switch-on recommendation.

The “Tatort” episode “Liebeswut” was first broadcast on May 29, 2022. ARD repeats the case on Friday, March 1st at 10:20 p.m.

Commissioners Moormann and Self also determined in these cases:

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