SZ podcast “To the point” – news from November 16, 2021 – knowledge

Sometimes, big social conflicts can be broken down into a small personal argument. For example with the question of whether you have already been vaccinated. That can possibly break friendship. “Vaccination has brought a lot and if more people had been vaccinated, it would have brought even more,” says SZ science editor Christina Berndt. There are always breakthroughs in the vaccination, but those who have not been vaccinated have “on average the more severe courses”. And in the intensive care unit, the unvaccinated are in the majority, even though they are a minority in society.

Booster vaccinations are now recommended to everyone after six months. Especially in older people, those who are overweight, smokers and people with heart problems and autoimmune diseases, “the immune response may actually be so low that it becomes dangerous”.

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Further news: Countries tighten corona rules, Nord Stream 2 on hold.

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