Summary of the AMA with Matt, CSO and partner of the SynFuture project.

What is SynFutures?


SynFutures is a new generation protocol. that focuses on building an open and trusting derivatives market By activating trading with whatever price is entered.

SynFutures currently offers both Perpetual Futures and Dated Futures. SynFutures uses Synthetic AMM (sAMM) designed to provide a spot trading experience and for margin futures trading.

What is the difference between SynFutures and other similar projects?


It must be said that SynFutures was designed to be unlicensed in the first place, while other DEXs claiming no rights were licensed by DAOs. Such DAOs act on the board of those platforms. And it takes days, weeks, or months to complete a potential listing.

But SynFutures allows any user to list asset pairs and even the market itself to create external pricing and behavior.

This design philosophy allows SynFutures to consolidate a wide range of trading assets from Bitcoin and Ethereum to long-tail assets and even some NFTs.

What makes SynFutures unique? What are the highlights of the project?


– SynFuture will list any asset within 30 seconds.

– Single-token LP, that is to use one token to provide liquidity with one click.

– Risk and Security Management We are backed by a team with solid experience in the TradFi financial engineering and DeFi protocol security. SynFutures offers a wide range of risk management features. and have passed various inspections from outside

What is the difference between SynFutures V1 and V2?


In addition to UX/UX upgrades to improve the experience of traders and users. Many features available during Closed Alpha:

-Perpetual Futures, which brings endless futures contracts with original unlicensed entries to SynFutures traders.

– Brand new sAMM format to improve the liquidity provider experience.

– Shared Margin Account This improves the trader’s margin efficiency by up to 200%, giving traders more flexible options for short and long positions.

-Coin-margined Futures, which allows all native network tokens with a large community base. Including coin-coin pairs and stablecoin reverse pairs to use as margin in each active network.

Where can I register for SynFutures V2?


Anyone can register for the SynFuture V2 whitelist here:

Does SynFutures have a future roadmap?


Anyone can view the roadmap at :

We’re updating because something new is coming. Let’s wait to follow.

What types of insurance funds are available in SynFutures V2?


SynFutures V2 has a reserve fund as insurance, just like in V1.

What are the incentives and attractiveness for LPs on SynFutures V2?


The availability of liquidity on SynFutures v2 allows LPs to have a share of the liquidity pool and receive trading fees.

What measures are in place to protect users on SynFutures V2?


SynFutures v2 uses a solid pricing mechanism and a set of restrictions to prevent price manipulation and protect the interests of users. Read more here:

Are Synfutures Smart Contracts Third Party Audited?


Of course, we were reviewed by PeckSheild and Quantstampeck!

Does the project have any plans for a token launch soon? In the past, the team has released a set of NFTs. What are the benefits of these NFTs in the future?

SynFutures has not issued any tokens at this time, however, information about the tokens will be disclosed when the time is right. keep to it Please stay tuned.

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