Sumatran rhinoceros: Rare offspring of pachyderms in Indonesia

Watch the video: Sumatran rhinos – rare offspring of pachyderms in Indonesia are causing excitement.

STORY: An extremely rare event excites conservationists in Indonesia. A female Sumatran rhino was born on September 30th in a national park on the island of Sumatra. It doesn’t have a name yet. Mother Ratu’s birth is considered particularly gratifying as there are only around 80 animals of this species left in the world. In Way Kambas National Park there are now nine. Mother Ratu and father Andalas had previously had offspring twice, in 2012 and 2016. Sumatran rhinos can grow up to 1.50 meters high and weigh between 500 and almost 1000 kilograms. Poachers and human habitat destruction make them one of the most endangered species in Sumatra.

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