Stylish in the ice-cold office – economy

Temperatures are dropping in the office due to the energy crisis. No more room for silk flowers. But while Habeck & Co. preach the pullover, the urgent question arises: What to wear if you want to look good while doing it?


Tanya rest

Recently, as autumn was approaching in the northern hemisphere, a reader using the alias “Lazily Stylish Manager Lady” turned to the news site for help She is now back in the office three days a week and in the meantime has forgotten how to wear anything but stretch pants. “Could this be the moment to jump in at the deep end and become a uniform person?” The style expert headtopics admitted that she always stood in front of the wardrobe completely helpless, then she tackled the topic “Business Casual 2.0”. Jeans, chinos, sneakers, blouses, blazers – in times of the post-pandemic, the “Lazily Stylish Manager Lady” should simply wear what she feels good in.

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