Still too many clichés: Sinti and Roma in the media – media

The Roma and Sinti ethnic groups together form the largest minority in Europe. In Germany alone, it is estimated that up to 150,000 people belong to the groups. Their history is a centuries-long struggle against discrimination, persecution and exclusion, which continues to the present day – and in which the media representation of Roma and Sinti plays a more important role than ever. In a diverse society, what is written or broadcast determines our image of the other person. And so media reporting plays a crucial role in why many people still have a negative and distorted image of these ethnic groups to this day.

Studies have shown that antigypsy content, prejudices and devaluations of Roma and Sinti are widespread in the German media – both in tabloid and quality media. The self-organization “Amaro Foro” regularly examines media reporting on the ethnic groups and sees fundamental improvements: Today there are “fewer attributions of Roma identity on negatively connoted topics.” Nevertheless, Amaro Foro continues to criticize anti-gypsy thought patterns in reporting, the use of visual clichés when illustrating reports – and also a lack of reporting on acts of violence against members of the ethnic groups.

Despite these grievances, is journalism on the right track towards reflective and discrimination-sensitive reporting on Sinti:zze and Rom:nja? How can knowledge on the topic be brought to the editorial offices? And how can members of the ethnic groups themselves experience media empowerment?

That’s what the current episode is about: Nadia Zaboura, communications scientist and quoted host, talks to Gilda-Nancy Horvath. The Austrian journalist, activist and artist has been advocating for the interests of her ethnic group for years. She has developed and moderated offers in Romani for ORF and Deutsche Welle – and she also wants to inspire young Roma to work in journalism.

In “Quoted. The Media Podcast” – a format from Civis-Medienstiftung and Süddeutscher Zeitung, supported by Stiftung Mercator.


Portrait series “Glaso” by Nancy Horvath at Deutsche Welle

taz focus on the topic “Rom:nja and Sinti:zze”

Guest article in the taz by Sejnur Memisi, “Now it’s our turn”

“medientalk live” by CIVIS Medienstiftung and COSMO with Gianni Jovanovic

Information collection from the Integration Media Service on Rom:nja and Sinti:zze

BPB about the history of the Roma and Sinti

source site