Is sex an effective stress reliever?

To relax, everyone has their own tips. Some immerse themselves in a good book, others prefer a soothing hot bath. But, did you know that the best antidote to stress might just be under the covers? Sex, this activity often relegated to the background in our busy schedules, turns out to be an excellent way to release tension.

A cocktail of hormones that arise during lovemaking

Do you know that feeling of fullness after a good cuddle session? It’s the work of a whole team of hormones that work miracles in our body. First of all, dopamine plunges us into a state of intense bliss as soon as desire rears its ugly head.

Then comes oxytocin, the conductor of attachment and love, which comes in during orgasm to offer us a massive dose of well-being. Finally, endorphins, the stars of appeasement, come to close the show by enveloping us in a sweet post-coitum tranquility.

Perfect concentration

Do sexuality and brain activity go well together? Absolutely ! Making love awakens our synapses, thus stimulating our neurons and even promoting our memory and our learning abilities.

Furthermore, during this act of intimacy, we immerse ourselves in a state of full awareness, of total concentration, leaving stress and anxieties in the closet. Love then becomes a true catalyst for creativity, where brilliant ideas can arise at any time. Who would have thought that our brain could be so active… under the covers?

Exit parasitic thoughts

Orgasm appears like a meditation, opening the way to liberating emotions that counteract the harmful effects of stress. It releases internal tensions and eliminates parasitic thoughts that hinder our well-being. This emotional and physical release offers a complete reset, rebalancing our entire being and reconnecting us with ourselves in a state of peace and serenity.

Make love to sleep better

A study led by Dr. Douglas Kirsch and his team offers some interesting answers about the impact of sex and orgasm on sleep quality. Their survey, of 53 participants aged 25 to 49, found that 75% said they slept better after having sex right before bed. Some have even noticed an improvement not only in falling asleep, but also in the quality of sleep. Furthermore, the majority of participants felt that the effect of sex on their sleep was comparable, or even greater, than that of sleeping pills.

A rhythm to respect under the covers to find serenity?

Finding the right balance between work, personal life and intimacy can sometimes seem like a big challenge. But by setting aside time once or twice a week for sex or masturbation, you could reduce your stress levels.

Whether you prefer a solo or duo session, the important thing is to choose what best suits your schedule and your desires. By taking the time to plan these moments of pleasure, you are investing in your mental well-being.

A pressure-free solution

While it has a whole host of benefits, sex should never be seen as an obligation. The key is to let go of the idea of ​​constraint and focus on authentic pleasure. Before taking action, it is important to establish moments of gentleness with your partner, without pressure or specific expectations. It can be tender gestures, hugs, or simply moments of complicity. It is by embracing the present moment that we can make sex a real stress reliever.

“Slow sex”, an approach to combining sexuality and anti-stress

The slower it is, the better it is, that’s what “slow sex” stands for. In an era where everything seems to be spinning at full speed, where urgency dictates our lives, this trend has more and more followers. Exit performance, make way for relaxation and pleasure without constraints. Inspired by the 1970s, this movement advocates slowness, a return to basics, to the passion of the beginnings.

So, by taking your time, savoring each gesture, each sensation, we awaken the senses, we reinvest the couple, far from injunctions and performance objectives… far from stress! Prepare the act, listen to your desires, take the time, awaken your senses, these are the rules of slow sex. In this sensual symphony, it is the journey that matters as much, if not more, than the destination.

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