“Stéphanois have a great feeling of shame”

In Saint-Etienne (Loire)

“It goes beyond the abject and the sordid… It is unspeakable”. A few minutes before the opening of the municipal council of Saint-Etienne, Michèle does not mince her words when it comes to talking about “the affair”, the one that has monopolized all the subjects of conversation for a month. This sextape blackmail case in which mayor LR Gaël Perdriau could be involved. Should he resign from his post as mayor? “He is not obliged to do so on the legal level, but on the moral and human level, yes, he should resign, answers the elegant sexagenarian. This gives an image of politics and the system that is unbearable. »

Samir Boss came specifically to attend the board meeting, expecting only one thing: that Gaël Perdriau give up his apron. “Today, the whole city is disturbed, he argues. He tarnished his image in France and internationally. “The Stéphanois have a great feeling of shame”, abounds Marie for whom it is “abnormal that Mr Perdriau is still in post”. “What he did was nothing. It’s outside. Saint-Etienne is already a city sad and nauseating enough to know that it has squandered public money for such actions! »

“The first to have criticized Fillon”

Medhi is hardly more tender towards the mayor of Saint-Etienne. “At the time of the Fillon affair, Gaël Perdriau was the first to criticize him and to ask that he step back. Let him take an example, ”he breathes. “At that time, he gave moral lessons to Republicans, he called for an “ethical leap”. He would do better to apply it to himself, ”continues Michèle, referring to the same episode.

“The minimum would be for him to step back,” continues the first. “But as long as he is not indicted, he will never resign, he predicts. It’s the only role that still protects him.” The elected official refused to resign Monday afternoon during the back-to-school municipal council. Which nevertheless surprised Marie. “I didn’t think he would have the nerve to stay, replies the retiree. I don’t understand but as Michel Audiard said, the c… It dares everything”

“For me, he still has his place”, slice Georges, white hair and glasses on his nose. And to conclude: “He has lawyers, he knows what he is doing! »

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