State government gives up goal of making Bavaria barrier-free by 2023 – Bavaria

A year before the originally planned target date, the state government finally declared the promise to make Bavaria completely barrier-free by 2023 unrealistic. Transport Minister Christian Bernreiter (CSU) said on Tuesday: “We have to be honest, we can’t do that.” As a reason, he said, among other things, that you cannot make tens of thousands of bus stops in the country – whether used or not – barrier-free, even if you are well on the way and have an eye on it. He also pointed out that the federal government is responsible for making train stations barrier-free.

In 2013, the then Prime Minister and CSU chairman Horst Seehofer announced that he wanted to make Bavaria barrier-free “in all public spaces” by 2023. Social organizations and municipalities have long doubted that the goal and schedule can be met. The currently incumbent state government had already had to concede this in the past few years. The barrier-free expansion of all train stations, for example, is still a long way off, and the implementation of public buildings is also lagging behind.

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