Sport for seniors: A feel-good center has opened in Starnberg – Starnberg

Despite the economic slowdown caused by Corona and strong competitive pressure, a new fitness studio has opened in Starnberg: the Feelgood Center. The operators Dominicus Doriat and Peter Pawlitzek want to use a new concept to appeal primarily to older people who have not exercised regularly during the pandemic or who may not have done any sport for decades. “It’s not a gym, it’s an exercise center,” explains Doriat. According to him, the difference to the conventional fitness center is that no physical exertion is necessary with this equipment, which was originally developed for rehabilitation sports. The device specifies the movement, the body is moved. However, if you want to become active yourself, you can increase the exercise with a small pressure movement on your arms, legs or pelvis. “You can be moved or you can become active yourself. Everyone can take part,” explains Pawlitzek.

Even if the members could only be moved, they would feel more supple and fitter after the workout, say the studio operators. The training on the twelve devices lasts two and a half minutes each, i.e. a total of 40 minutes. Special clothing is not required, you can come in street clothes. The devices are set up at greater distances. The operators are convinced that nobody has to be afraid of corona infection and yet you can relax and talk to other athletes. “Feelgood is not only movement, but also stands for encounter. It is not only good for the body, but also helps the psyche.”

For decades, the devices were used individually in the therapy area. Then two Norwegians developed a movement concept for twelve different devices. It is suitable to accompany physiotherapy, for follow-up care or to prevent falls, because the training trains mobility, strength and stability into old age. There are already 50 studios in Norway and ten in Austria. The 52-year-old Doriat, who previously ran a sports marketing agency, and the 57-year-old Pawlitzek, who also worked in advertising, brought Feelgood to Germany. In March you opened the first studios in Murnau and Starnberg as well as a franchise studio in Prien. Because they are also franchisors for Germany. With a view to forecasts that the proportion of people over 65 in Germany will rise to almost 30 percent by 2040, their goal is for exercise centers to be created in every municipality.

“It’s never too late to start exercising,” says Doriat, considering that even people over the age of 80 or with a physical handicap can exercise here and become mobile. The devices are easy to use because the movement is specified. Therefore there is only one free introduction. Later, between 7am and 10pm, members could come and go as they pleased as they will be given their own key to the studio. Since the reception is not manned all the time, the operators advise people with physical disabilities to make an individual appointment. Another advantage of the movement center is that there is no “body shaming” when young women or men with well-styled bodies train next to a member. In addition, there is no pressure to perform: No trainer sets the speed here or fires on according to the motto higher, stronger, faster.

Four weeks after the opening of the movement center on the main street in Starnberg, the operators take stock: “The concept really works. It’s going surprisingly well.”

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