“Spider-Man: No Way Home” is a spectacle with a dose of nostalgia

Marvel movie
“Spider-Man: No Way Home” is a spectacle with a large portion of nostalgia

See the video: “Spider-Man: No Way Home”: Tom Holland fights against (almost all) villains of his predecessors.


If you’re expecting a classic Spider-Man movie, you might be surprised by “No Way Home”. Because the blockbuster is more than that.

Before “Spider-Man: No Way Home” was even released in theaters, the film already broke a record. A first trailer generated an incredible 355 million views within 24 hours in August last year. The success at the box office was almost predictable.

‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’: Peter Parker’s identity revealed

And the new movie from the Marvel world doesn’t disappoint. On the contrary. To fully enjoy the spectacle, it helps to have seen the other “Spider-Man” films beforehand. If you don’t want to know anything about the plot, you should stop reading here.

It all starts with stress for Spider-Man, played by Tom Holland. His identity has been revealed and the friendly neighborhood spider is suddenly seen as a villain by the others. Spidey is in hiding, pursued by citizens and the press who have turned against him. His loved ones, MJ, Ned and Aunt May, are suddenly in danger.

And so Spider-Man turns to the one person he thinks he can save: Dr. Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch). With a dangerous spell, he’s supposed to make everyone forget that Peter Parker is Spider-Man. But because Parker keeps interrupting him during the execution, something goes wrong.

dr Strange and the failed spell

Strange’s spell rips a hole in her world, unleashing the most powerful villains that Spider-Man has ever fought in any universe. Yes, right, ever a Spider-Man. Suddenly villains like Doc Ock (Alfred Molina), Green Goblin (Willem Dafoe) and Electro (Jamie Foxx) want to take on Spidey. Does the name ring? Exactly, the three were long considered defeated by the other two spider men of the Marvel world: Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield.

As a viewer, you can already guess at this point what is about to happen. The aging Spideys Maguire and Garfield also show up to help the current Spider-Man and fight “their” villains together. So it’s not just a short cameo appearance, but fans get the concentrated Spider-Man power paired with typical Marvel humor and movie references.

Three film worlds are connected

“No Way Home” is a nostalgic masterpiece, because for the first time the three worlds of the “Spider-Man” films are connected – and conclusively. Action is paired with a well-thought-out storyline, while the odd cliffhanger makes you look forward to what Marvel will come up with in the future. If “No Way Home” is just the beginning, as a fan you can look forward to the next chapters.

In Germany you can download “Spider-Man: No Way Home” for a fee Amazon Prime stream.

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