Solidarity Bear on World AIDS Day: SVLS provides information and advice in the forum

While many fans of the solidarity bear tried in vain to get the coveted annual edition last year, some of the raw materials for the stuffed animal were still floating on the seas of this world. Now the nearly two-year wait is over. From today, November 28th, up to and including December 1st, the bear will be on display as usual in the Forum shopping center at the SVLS e. V. gave one for a donation.

Also during this period, interested parties can find out more about risks, protection options and contact points for all things sexually transmitted infections.

HIV prevention needs support

On Thursday, December 1st, on World AIDS Day, many people in Mülheim an der Ruhr will once again be wearing the well-known red ribbon, thus showing their solidarity with people living with HIV and AIDS. This is also absolutely necessary, because due to the corona pandemic, the focus on the still existing HI virus was temporarily missing. As a result, the number of cases rose again worldwide. Prevention work is therefore more necessary than ever to reverse the trend.

From the past campaign goal of the German Aidshilfe “No AIDS for everyone by 2020!”
be no more talk. It is currently again about raising awareness of a virus that is spreading through
treatment options has lost its horror, but it does not heal and
can still lead to death if the immune system is weakened.

A donation supports the important prevention work in schools. In addition, the advisory service, the work with self-help groups in the fight against HIV infections and the support of HIV-infected people and people suffering from AIDS will be strengthened.

The volunteer team of the SVLS relies on numerous visitors at the stand: “We hope for numerous donations for our prevention work,” says the head of the advice center, Antonius Peeters. Of course there is also
the opportunity to support the necessary work – with a donation directly to the
Donation account of the SVLS: DE21 3506 0386 8101 8802 00. With indication of the address and the
A donation receipt will be automatically issued for the intended purpose “HIV”.

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