SNCF offers up to 1,900 euros bonus for working during the Olympics

Will the strike which disrupted the rail network on Tuesday have made the difference as the unions hoped? The negotiations for the Olympic bonuses granted to railway workers in any case ended this Wednesday with a proposal for a rather round daily bonus in the amount of 95 euros gross for agents who will work from July 22 to September 8, with a ceiling of 1,900 euros, announced the SNCF.

“The proposed compensation is 95 euros per day worked during the sporting events for the 50,000 railway workers mobilized throughout the territory, whatever the profession”, with a total amount of “1,900 euros maximum”, announced the management, including the draft agreement is “open for signature by trade union organizations until Tuesday June 4”.

A bonus common to all agents

This proposal is the conclusion of a round table organized on Wednesday with the four representative trade union organizations (CGT Cheminots, UNSA Ferroviaire, SUD-Rail and CFDT Cheminots) “which lasted a little more than 4 hours” and was chaired by CEO Jean -Pierre Farandou, according to management.

The CGT-Cheminots denounced the slowness of management in finalizing its offer, while “companies impacted directly or indirectly by the Olympics have already taken measures, either unilateral or negotiated, for several weeks”.

At RATP, negotiations have been completed since last week. The mobilized agents will receive on average 1,000 euros gross per month and the bonus could go up to 2,500 euros for certain metro and RER drivers. Unlike the Paris Transport Authority, which negotiated profession by profession, the SNCF defends having opted for a single bonus common to all agents “in the interests of fairness”. Police officers and gendarmes working in Ile-de-France during the competitions will receive 1,900 euros.

Increased traffic announced this summer

“This summer, the level of rail traffic will be higher than that of a normal summer (on average +15% in Ile-de-France),” recalls the SNCF. The public group expects to transport “10 million spectators and up to 15 million French and international visitors expected”, by mobilizing “4,500 additional trains in Ile-de-France, or 300 more trains every day”.

Furthermore, “370 additional TER trains” are planned “in the host cities (Bordeaux, Châteauroux, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Nantes, Nice and Saint-Etienne)” as well as an adaptation of the TGV and Intercités transport plans, according to the SNCF.

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