Six men accused of attempted murder of maintenance worker

Six men appear until May 30 before the Hérault Assize Court. They are accused of attempted murder, on August 30, 2019 in Lattes, near Montpellier, on a maintenance worker, who was sweeping the area around the L’entreprises nightclub, in the early morning.

That day, six people had emerged from different vehicles and were unleashed on this man who had only one fault: vaguely resembling a physiognomist from the night establishment. The public prosecutor is convinced that the accused, originally from the Paris region, carried out this expedition in retaliation for an altercation that occurred a few days earlier in the nightclub. A waiter was beaten and a knife displayed, before the physiognomists expelled the troublemakers.

The maintenance worker was hit multiple times, including with a knife, in the throat. He got away with a month of ITT. Five of the accused are being prosecuted for attempted murder, the sixth for complicity. Two of them appear detained. All dispute their participation in the facts.

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