Sex and depression, what solutions?

One in five people in France have suffered or will suffer from depression during their lifetime, according to figures from Inserm, the National Institute of Health. Its common symptoms are, among others, pathological sadness or loss of pleasure. This illness, which, let us remember, is not wanted, has multiple repercussions on his health, on those around him, and also on his intimate and sexual life. We’re going to talk about it in this episode of “ Wait a minute ! » with Laurence Dispaux, psychologist, sexologist in Switzerland. She is the author of Love, sex and depression, How to preserve desire during a depressive episode to the editions The Musardine.

How to recognize depression and what are its main manifestations? What impact does depression have on intimate life? What are the consequences of using antidepressant medications on sexuality? What tools and resources are there to reconnect with shared sexuality, if it is a person’s choice? These are questions from this podcast.

Treatments to treat depression

A reminder before wishing you a good listening to this episode. To treat marked depressive disorder, there are effective treatments, such as psychotherapy, or even taking antidepressants. They are effective for seven out of ten people.

If you experience such an episode, above all, do not remain isolated, talk, call a health professional. You will find listeners on the Youth Health Wire at 0800 235 236 (anonymous and free call from a landline) and on their website.

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