Selections: Mbappé has justified his refusal to participate in the marketing operations of the Blues, and hopes for change (LP)

Very attached to his image, Kylian Mbappé refused to associate his name and his notoriety with certain partners of the Blues whom he considers potentially problematic for society according to Le Parisien. A posture assumed and which could push the FFF to reflection.

Kylian Mbappé wants to be completely in control of his career, and proved it again on Tuesday. ATThere is a surprise of the marketing operations on the menu of the morning of the players of the French team, the PSG striker made an impression with this strong gesture. According to information revealed by The Parisianthis boycott would be motivated in particular by the fact that ” some brands do not carry values ​​that interest him.

All the financial partners of the Blues are not called into question, but some such as the online betting operator BetClic, the Coca-Cola soda brand or the KFC fast-food chain, are specially targeted. For good reason, still according to The ParisianMbappé does not want to be associated with companies marketing products that can “ contribute to obesity of their consumers. Or, in the case of BetClic, sports bets that can turn into “ a real addiction among low-income people “, of which ” young people, the age group he fascinates the most “.

An old and claimed position

Yes ” each player must normally submit to the marketing operations of the partners ” of the Blues after having initialed the convention during his first selection as recalled The ParisianMbappé calls for an overhaul of this dated agreement (implemented in 2010) since his first arrival at Clairefontaine in 2017. For this, the ex-Monegasque relies on the support and expertise of his lawyer, Me Dephine Verheyden, labor law expert.

Accustomed to sorting out – in the company of his relatives – on a very large scale since the beginning of his professional career in view of the very many offers received, Mbappé discussed with the president of the French Football Federation, Noël Le Graët, and is expected to meet him to trade again before the June rally. Player most requested by the partners of the Blues, the Bondynois explained his position calmly and maintains it. Further proof of his desire to maintain total control over his career, both sportingly and the important perks accompanying him.

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