Security against Russia at the heart of the presidential election this Sunday

The war in Ukraine will be on many minds in Lithuania when choosing their ballot. Lithuanians vote this Sunday in the first round of the presidential election after a campaign dominated by defense issues, with Vilnius seeking to strengthen its security against neighboring Russia.

The Baltic country of 2.8 million inhabitants, a former Soviet republic which borders the highly militarized Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, fears it will be the next target if Moscow were to win its war against Ukraine. “Lithuania’s understanding of the Russian threat is unanimous and indisputable, and the main candidates agree on it,” summarizes Linas Kojala, director of the Center for Eastern European Studies in Vilnius.

A country in the EU and NATO

Polls give the incumbent, Gitanas Nauseda, a 59-year-old former banker, a comfortable lead over the seven other candidates, including Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte and a well-known lawyer, Ignas Vegele.

The Lithuanian president co-leads, with the government, foreign policy and participates in EU and NATO summits. He must consult the government and Parliament for the appointment of the highest civil servants.

While the three main candidates agree on defense, they have divergent views on relations with China, which have been tense for years over relations with Taiwan.

The Prime Minister’s second attempt

Ignas Vegele, a 48-year-old lawyer who rose to prominence by opposing compulsory vaccination during the pandemic, presents himself as an alternative to established politicians and promises “more transparent” governance.

Ingrida Simonyte, 49, defends conservative views on economic matters and liberal views on social issues. She particularly supports same-sex partnerships, which still cause controversy in this predominantly Catholic country. She is running for president for the second time after losing to Gitanas Nauseda in the second round in 2019.

“Ms Simonyte is supported by conservative party voters and liberals, while Mr Nauseda is a left-wing candidate in terms of economic and social policy,” says Ramunas Vilpisauskas, an analyst at Vilnius University. “As for Mr. Vegele, he will receive the support of those who simply want change.”


Lithuania is known for being one of Ukraine’s main donors and its significant defense spending, which represents 2.75% of its GDP and which Ingrida Simonyte’s government wants to increase to 3%. Vilnius intends to use these funds to purchase additional tanks and air defense systems, and to host a German brigade on its territory. Berlin plans to station around 5,000 soldiers in Lithuania by 2027. None of the main candidates have said they want to call these plans into question.

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