Searching for traces podcast: Attorney Winfried Folda on the double murder of Notzingen

“Searching for traces”: Season 6 | Episode 5
Out of control – defense attorney Winfried Folda on the double murder of Notzingen

in the starCrime podcast “Searching for clues” tells investigators and specialists about their most exciting cases. In the new episode of the sixth season, attorney Winfried Folda speaks about the double murder of Notzing – a case that also pushed an experienced criminal lawyer like him to his limits.

“Search for traces” appears every second Friday at, Audio Now, iTunes and Spotify. Enjoy listening!

How do you convict murderers? Why do people become perpetrators? And what abysses can each of us hold? in the starCrime podcast “Searching for traces” help investigators and specialists to make what at first glance incomprehensible understandable. Andrea Ritter, Bernd Volland, Nicolas Büchse and Giuseppe Di Grazia meet the best experts in Germany for the sixth season of the podcast, who will tell you about their most exciting cases and the special challenges of their profession.

“Search for traces” episode 6-5 with defense attorney Winfried Folda

Winfried Folda worked for a long time in the firm of the legendary lawyer Rolf Bossi. So he was used to spectacular, extraordinary cases. But the crime he was confronted with nearly ten years ago also pushed such an experienced criminal lawyer as him to his limits. It’s about a childhood love – the boy loves the girl, her parents reluctantly tolerate the relationship. When she separates from him, he is mad: he kills his parents – and she becomes an accomplice. In episode 5 of the 6th season of the search for clues, Giuseppe Di Grazia speaks with lawyer Folda about the story of a riddle.

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